New Guidelines for Keeping Everyone Safe!

While it is obviously not “business as usual” these days, we at Pemberton Holmes are here to support our clients who have a critical housing need: those who have sold their home and not yet purchased, or those who must sell or buy to meet their personal financial obligations or provide shelter for their families.
Pemberton Holmes is committed to the health and safety of its clients, REALTORS and the communities that we serve. We continue to take action to help keep you safe as we face this unprecedented global crisis together. The safety measures we are taking are being guided by Public Health authorities and the government:

Before scheduling or attending a showing, complete the “Pemberton Holmes Showing Health Disclosure Declaration” provided by your REALTOR, which captures information confirming that no one attending the showing (Buyer REALTOR, buying clients, or any occupant of the property) has:
- Recently travelled anywhere outside of Canada or has been in contact with anyone who has travelled outside of Canada.
- Had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days: fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing. Refer to the Government of Canada Coronavirus website for an up to date list of symptoms.
- Knowingly come into contact with anyone experiencing the following symptoms in the last 14 days: fever, dry cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing.
- Come into contact with anyone with a presumptive or confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis in the last 14 days. The criteria on the Showing Health Disclosure Declaration form is subject to change should the government and health authorities guidelines change.

- Understand the importance of following current direction from government and health authorities and the risks that come with attending in-person showings.
- Limit viewings only to those who are / will be specifically named on the offer.
- Additional family members, friends or children should not be in attendance. There are no exceptions.
- Meet your REALTOR at the property.
- Practice social distancing measures when travelling to the showing by driving in separate vehicles, or walking.

- Do not share items such as phones, tablets or laptops.
- Immediately prior to entering the home, disinfect your hands with an alcohol-based sanitizer containing at least 50% alcohol.
- Do not touch surfaces in the home, and keep your hands in your pockets throughout the visit.
- Do not greet others with handshakes or hugs, and ensure you are at least 2 metres apart at all times.
- Under no circumstances should you use the washroom facilities while viewing the home.
- Ensure social distancing (keeping 2 metres apart) is rigorously maintained throughout the showing. If required, your REALTOR can walk each buyer through the property one at a time.
- Notify your REALTOR if you become ill at any time after a showing.

Once again, Pemberton Holmes is committed to the health and safety of its clients, REALTORS and the communities that we serve. We know these are trying times, but we want you to know that we’re in your corner and will help ensure your safety and comfort throughout your experience with us.
In the words of Dr. Bonnie Henry, “now is our time to be kind, to be calm, and to be safe” – and that’s what Pemberton Holmes is going to do!